Waterford Place
1700 North First Street
San Jose, CA 95112
Phone: 408-437-1900
Fax: 408-437-1903
Directions: Driving Directions
101 south to North First St Exit. Make a right on N. First St. At Sonora make a U-turn and right on Archer. Coming from 101 North take 880 South and take the first exit on North First St. Right on Archer.
Nearby Business Directory
All Records: 342 |
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Unidyne International, Inc.
577 Burke Street
San Jose, CA 95112
Industry: Printed circuit boards
Allayer Technologies Corporation
1425 Koll Circle
San Jose, CA 95112
Industry: Semiconductors and related devices
American Microdevice Manufacturing
1830 Bering Drive
San Jose, CA 95112
Industry: Semiconductors and related devices
Siemens Components, Inc.
1730 North 1st Street
San Jose, CA 95112
Industry: Semiconductors and related devices
Cableco Technologies Corporation
1010 Commercial Street
San Jose, CA 95112
Industry: Electronic components, misc
Keri Systems, Inc.
1530 Oakland Road
San Jose, CA 95112
Industry: Electrical equipment and supplies, misc
Power Brake Exchange, Inc.
260 Phelan Avenue
San Jose, CA 95112
Industry: Motor vehicle parts and accessories
Beyond Beryllium Fabrications,
152 North Third Street
San Jose, CA 95112
Industry: Motorcycles, bicycles, and parts
Syskonnect, Inc.
1922 Zanker Road
San Jose, CA 95112
Industry: Process control instruments
S V Probe, Inc.
1713 Junction Avenue
San Jose, CA 95112
Industry: Instruments to measure electricity
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