Frequently Asked Questions for Renters

Q: How does work?
A: Use apartment search directory for apartment listings by State or apartment listings by the metro area to view a list of apartments. Once you see the list of apartments, click on the photo or detail view link to see the apartment details. If you find the apartments which meet your preferences, contact the apartment and tell you found their listings from We have free apartment rental agent assistance in finding your next perfect apartment for Austin Apartments, Dallas Apartments, Ft. Worth Apartments, Houston Apartments, Kansas City Apartments, Nashville Apartments, and San-Antonio Apartments.

Q: Is it free search service?
A: We are compensated by the apartments so our service is 100% free to you! Computerized profiles of thousands apartments from our state-of-the-art database.

Frequently Asked Questions for Apartment Managers or Owners

Q: How do I list my apartment?
A: In order to list your apartment you must fill out the sign-up form on our web site, then we will do graphic works for photos and floor plans for your account. And we will send you a notice when your listings become available to view on our site.

Q: Why should I provide special offers?
A: Our price for listing your property is one of cheapest services on the web sites. We are trying to help both renters and property managers. You usually pay placing charge to company who send renters to your property. You don't need to pay anything to us when we place renters to your property. With the special offers, your vacancy will be filled fast and listed on the top of listings. In that way both you and renters will be happy. however, it's not required to subscribe for our service.

Q: How do I modify my property information?
A: Once we've set up an account, you will be issued a username and password so you can access your account and modify your property information anytime (24/7) through

Q: How do I know my listing will be expired?
A: We will give you a 7 day notice prior to expiration date by email. If you don't renew your subscription, your account on the web site will be terminated in 3 days after expiration.

Q: How do I get photos of my apartment on your site?
A: All images must be in JPEG format (.jpg files). If you know how to produce digital photos with a digital camera or scanner, you can add them to your listings through Alternatively, you can email us your up to 6 photos and unlimited floor plans with premium package. Additional photo will be charged $5 per photo. you will have one photo and mapping with standard package.

Q: What is the cost for listing my property?
A: The price of listing your property is $20 per month (short-term advertising), $60 per 6 months and $100 per year. One time set-up fee is $10 for standard package, and $20 for premium package per property. Please fill out the Sign-Up Form to use our apartment ad service.