Washington > Seattle Metro > Redmond Apartments

15850 NE 98th Way
Redmond, WA 98052
Phone: 425-895-7100
Fax: 425-895-7105    

Directions: Driving Directions
From Hwy. 520, take the W. Lake Sammamish Parkway N.E. exit. Head north to N.E. 85th, turn right. Follow to 160th Ave. N.E., turn left. Follow to the end of the road. Avignon is on the left.

  • Nearby Business Directory

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    Probiologic, Inc.
    14714 Northeast 87th Street
    Redmond, WA 98052
    Industry: Drugs, proprietaries, and sundries
    Phone: 206-881-8218  


    Aptex Sportswear, Inc.
    4082 148th Avenue, Northeast
    Redmond, WA 98052
    Industry: Men's and boy's clothing
    Phone: 253-885-4828  


    International Trade & Development
    8307 160th Avenue, Northeast
    Redmond, WA 98052
    Industry: Groceries, general line
    Phone: 253-882-7784  


    Golden-Tech International, Inc.
    2563 152nd Avenue, Northeast
    Redmond, WA 98052
    Industry: Fish and seafoods
    Phone: 253-869-1461  


    PAC Concessions, Inc.
    17735 Northeast 65th Street
    Redmond, WA 98052
    Industry: Meats and meat products
    Phone: 253-869-6869  


    Everbright USA, Inc.
    3627 175th Court, Northeast
    Redmond, WA 98052
    Industry: Fresh fruits and vegetables
    Phone: 253-883-8993  


    WLH Group USA, Inc.
    15036 Northeast 95th Street
    Redmond, WA 98052
    Industry: Fresh fruits and vegetables
    Phone: 253-869-1221  


    Protrade International Corporation
    8577 154th Avenue, Northeast
    Redmond, WA 98052
    Industry: Chemicals and allied products, misc
    Phone: 253-881-1666  


    Brandevor USA, Inc.
    8567 154th Avenue, Northeast
    Redmond, WA 98052
    Industry: Beer and ale
    Phone: 253-881-5095  


    Beverage Representatives, Inc.
    8557 154th Avenue, Northeast
    Redmond, WA 98052
    Industry: Wine and distilled beverages
    Phone: 253-881-0820  

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